Mr. R., 45 years of age, an overtaxed and prematurely worn out man of business became involved in financial troubles, mind and body were continuously on the rack, he could neither eat nor sleep normally, and at last complete physical exhaustion and nervous prostration naturally came upon him, for nature could endure no more. The first warning was severe pains in the back of the head, soon followed by shortness of breath, flutterings of heart, compressible pulse, loss of appetite, constipation and phosphatic urine. We determined to try the red light treatment, especially as his prostration was unattended by any indication of morbid irritability, and in all our experience as a physician, we have never witnessed more remarkable beneficial results than were at once produced by the red ray in this case.

The very first bath had the most encouraging effect: it acted as a tonic both upon mind and body, dispelled his gloomy apprehensions and gave vigor to his physical functions. Commencing with small doses, we gradually increased them until assured that we had reached the most effective dose in proportion of red to plain panes and in length of bath. Mr. R. rapidly improved, notwithstanding his continued attention to business. From the first he slept more refreshingly, ate with better relish, his bowels became regular, and the secretions of his kidneys recovered the healthy appearance. Three weeks treatment sufficed, and there have been no signs of relapse.