Mrs. H., aged 35 years. This was a case of consumption in the third stage, with both lungs involved, the left hepatized with mucus râle through the upper third, and crepitation in the apex of the right lung; sputa copious, amounting to half a pint in twenty four-hours; her expectoration was a yellowish, ropy and frothy mucus and pus, a portion of which sank in water; she had severe night-sweats, and chills or creeps regularly at 11 o’clock, A.M., followed by fever with flushed cheeks.”

Dr. Pancoast proceeds to show that her parents and most of the family had died with consumption. He continues:—”I placed Mrs. H. under red baths regulated by the effects produced. In two weeks improvement began to manifest itself in all her symptoms; in another week the mucus râle became a sub-mucus, then successively a crepitant and a bronchial; soon respiration was resumed through the entire left lung, and the crepitation at the apex of the right lung disappeared; expectoration improved and the cough became less frequent and less distressing; with the improvement in these symptoms the chills and fever and the dyspnœa disappeared and her strength rapidly increased; in two months and a half, the only remaining trouble was a slight hacking cough arising from an irritated throat.”

Dr. Pancoast proceeds to state that she remained well between one and two years, and then, from assuming extra duties, caught a severe cold which developed into pneumonia and finally led to her death. He says that “in an active and extensive practice covering more than 30 years, we have never known or heard of a case of consumption at so advanced a stage successfully treated. Her recovery was entire.”

If in the above case a deep blue glass had been used for her head, and beneath this some red, and then yellow, and then red for the limbs, it would doubtless have been a still more potent combination.