Mrs. S., 45 years of age, had naturally a frail constitution, was from youth weak and delicate, with a tendency to nervous prostration; easily despondent, and ready to give up when ill. Her natural weakness had resulted in and been augmented by uterine difficulties which had continued for ten years, and had at last broken down her entire system, when she called on us for professional advice.
Her condition was such that the slightest exertion completely overcame her and sent her to bed for days at a time; the influence of ‘the change of life,’ had brought on the crisis in an illness that kept her bedfast, which was directly attributed to a brief visit to the Centennial Exhibition; but this last was but a feather in the balance—the attack was impending and the excitement of the visit only hastened it.
We applied the blue and red light treatment, alternating not at equal intervals, but according to variations in her symptoms. Her recovery was rapid and permanent—a whole day at the Centennial some time afterwards did not over fatigue her. She has enjoyed better health uniformly since the treatment than ever before.