Mrs. C. A. von Cort, of New York, author of “Household Treasure and Medical Adviser,” and a lady of considerable medical experience, received from me a bottle of sugar of milk which I had charged with yellow-orange light, and the usual dose of which was an amount as large as one to three peas.

Concerning its effects she wrote me the following letter, speaking of her experience in giving it to Mrs. VanKeuren, of Morrisania, and enclosing a note from the latter:

“Mrs. VanKeuren has suffered with hemorrhoids so severely that all ordinary purgatives which her physicians have given her cause intense pain, and prove very prostrating. Your medicine charged with the yellow light is elegant, and works gently and admirably.” — C. A. VON CORT.

The following is Mrs. Van Keuren’s letter:

“Mrs. von Cort:—Please tell the doctor that the medicine you gave me has had the desired effect. The first needed a little assistance, the last one after 24 hours relieved me without help almost free from pain. I feel easier to-night than I have been for months.”

The first dose was doubtless too small, on account of her great costiveness. In severe cases it would be well to take two to four teaspoonfuls of charged water before each meal, until the bowels move, or even every hour in an emergency. The water can be charged somewhat in a few minutes of bright sunlight, but I allow my lenses to lie out of doors on the window ledge where the light can strike them constantly, meantime putting in fresh water every two or three days in hot weather to keep it pure.

I have tested the power of water charged in these yellow-orange lenses in a great number of cases, and uniformly with the same effect, excepting with two or three persons whose bowels were already in a positive and active condition. With these no change was discovered. I also had a patient whose bowels were so very much constricted as to resist all ordinary medicine, and which resisted a single dose or two of the charged yellow water, but I feel confident that if the water had been taken hourly the proper result would have been accomplished during the day.

I use deep blue lenses for water to check diarrhœa, or inflammation, or sleeplessness, as will be seen hereafter. I have also a few purple lenses in which I charge water for indigestion, although I may not be able to supply the public yet, excepting a few physicians, to whom it is highly important, as their manufacture for a small number is troublesome.

The above examples, and all of my experience with the yellow-charged water, or blue-charged water, go to prove the gentle, safe and enduring effect of these refined elements, and their influence on the mind, in harmony with principle XV of Chapter First, and the reason of this deep and radical influence is that they deal directly with the nerve-forces which lie at the seat of power, instead of the blood, or muscles, or other subsidiary functions, and that, too, without clogging the system with coarse and poisonous elements, such as is too commonly done with drugs.

CASE — Do – Edwin Babbitt

A lady of East Tennessee, who had suffered with constipation and feeble health for many years, was advised to drink water charged in yellow bottles. She wrote me that she was drinking water charged in yellow wine bottles, and asked me to send her bottles of the right shade of color, remarking as follows: “My bowels have been acted upon now five successive days. I am so delighted that I can scarcely wait the intervening time before receiving yours.” I had not then got my yellow chromo lenses ready, and so had to recommend the poor substitute of yellow bottles.


The following letter from Mr. E. Norris, Artist, 59 Columbia St., Albany, N. Y., will explain itself: — “Dr. Babbitt: My Dear Sir:—I have tried the novel experiment of the yellow light and have been astonished at the results. I have found water charged with the sun’s rays through yellow glass to be an absolute and to me unfailing cathartic; in small doses a gentle laxative, and in all cases exhilaration to the spirits. What its qualities are beyond these effects I do not know, but this much seems certain and it is marvelous. To me it is a great blessing, and I shall remember you with kind feelings. I am quite well, made, and kept so, by the yellow light.”


Knowing as I did the power of the yellow and orange light to act upon the system directly, I concluded at once that it must have the power of so charging other substances that they would act upon the system in the same way, and as ordinary lamp light and gas light abound in the yellow-orange principle of carbon, etc., I was confident that they might be used with yellow glass to good advantage.
Having been costive for a few days I held a small half-ounce amber colored vial of water close to a kerosene lamp for 7 minutes, before retiring, and then drank it. In the morning I had two gentle passages without any pain, and for weeks experienced no return of costiveness. This is a good example to show the enduring character of the cures wrought by the finer elements.


In a case of Chronic bronchial irritation, I used the chromo-disc over the breast, straining a hot sunlight thus concentrated by reflection, through yellow glass. In less than a minute I was able to rubricate the skin. I used it about 15 or 20 minutes each day for several days. The patient felt uncommonly animated and clear in his mental perceptions, and his bronchial difficulties gradually decreased. The same result would, of course, be produced by means of yellow glass without the chromo-disc, by taking a longer time, or even by hot sunlight, by taking a still longer time. The Chromo Lens to be hereafter described is entirely unequalled in the rapidity and power of its action.

CASE — COSTIVENESS – Edwin Babbitt

In a case of costiveness at my office, during the month of June, I let the sunlight pass through some yellow-orange glass of a hue which is usually termed yellow, and over which I had placed a lens to concentrate the rays the better at certain points. I gradually moved the focus of the yellow light over the whole bowels but especially over the descending colon on the left lower side. Commencing at 2 P.M., I continued the process for 10 minutes. The perspiration was started over the whole body, although the thermometer stood at only 70° F. In 5 minutes after receiving the light, the bowels commenced the rattling motion similar to what is experienced with physic, and in 18 minutes a gentle passage was caused, and that wholly without pain. Some persons would require 2 or 3 times as long an application as the above. I have caused the same results with the chromo-disc to be described hereafter. Any deep yellow glass would act in the same way, but the yellow-orange hollow lens which the author has devised is more prompt and effective than any other instrument, and charges the water within for internal use while it is being used externally.


Mrs. S., 45 years of age, had naturally a frail constitution, was from youth weak and delicate, with a tendency to nervous prostration; easily despondent, and ready to give up when ill. Her natural weakness had resulted in and been augmented by uterine difficulties which had continued for ten years, and had at last broken down her entire system, when she called on us for professional advice.

Her condition was such that the slightest exertion completely overcame her and sent her to bed for days at a time; the influence of ‘the change of life,’ had brought on the crisis in an illness that kept her bedfast, which was directly attributed to a brief visit to the Centennial Exhibition; but this last was but a feather in the balance—the attack was impending and the excitement of the visit only hastened it.

We applied the blue and red light treatment, alternating not at equal intervals, but according to variations in her symptoms. Her recovery was rapid and permanent—a whole day at the Centennial some time afterwards did not over fatigue her. She has enjoyed better health uniformly since the treatment than ever before.


Mr. R., 45 years of age, an overtaxed and prematurely worn out man of business became involved in financial troubles, mind and body were continuously on the rack, he could neither eat nor sleep normally, and at last complete physical exhaustion and nervous prostration naturally came upon him, for nature could endure no more. The first warning was severe pains in the back of the head, soon followed by shortness of breath, flutterings of heart, compressible pulse, loss of appetite, constipation and phosphatic urine. We determined to try the red light treatment, especially as his prostration was unattended by any indication of morbid irritability, and in all our experience as a physician, we have never witnessed more remarkable beneficial results than were at once produced by the red ray in this case.

The very first bath had the most encouraging effect: it acted as a tonic both upon mind and body, dispelled his gloomy apprehensions and gave vigor to his physical functions. Commencing with small doses, we gradually increased them until assured that we had reached the most effective dose in proportion of red to plain panes and in length of bath. Mr. R. rapidly improved, notwithstanding his continued attention to business. From the first he slept more refreshingly, ate with better relish, his bowels became regular, and the secretions of his kidneys recovered the healthy appearance. Three weeks treatment sufficed, and there have been no signs of relapse.


Mrs. H., aged 35 years. This was a case of consumption in the third stage, with both lungs involved, the left hepatized with mucus râle through the upper third, and crepitation in the apex of the right lung; sputa copious, amounting to half a pint in twenty four-hours; her expectoration was a yellowish, ropy and frothy mucus and pus, a portion of which sank in water; she had severe night-sweats, and chills or creeps regularly at 11 o’clock, A.M., followed by fever with flushed cheeks.”

Dr. Pancoast proceeds to show that her parents and most of the family had died with consumption. He continues:—”I placed Mrs. H. under red baths regulated by the effects produced. In two weeks improvement began to manifest itself in all her symptoms; in another week the mucus râle became a sub-mucus, then successively a crepitant and a bronchial; soon respiration was resumed through the entire left lung, and the crepitation at the apex of the right lung disappeared; expectoration improved and the cough became less frequent and less distressing; with the improvement in these symptoms the chills and fever and the dyspnœa disappeared and her strength rapidly increased; in two months and a half, the only remaining trouble was a slight hacking cough arising from an irritated throat.”

Dr. Pancoast proceeds to state that she remained well between one and two years, and then, from assuming extra duties, caught a severe cold which developed into pneumonia and finally led to her death. He says that “in an active and extensive practice covering more than 30 years, we have never known or heard of a case of consumption at so advanced a stage successfully treated. Her recovery was entire.”

If in the above case a deep blue glass had been used for her head, and beneath this some red, and then yellow, and then red for the limbs, it would doubtless have been a still more potent combination.


Master F., aged 8 years, had a tedious convalescence from a severe attack of diphtheria, which was suddenly interrupted by a very severe attack of paraplegia; the paralysis was almost complete; he could not walk and could stand only when supported by a table or chair. We had him arrayed entirely in white and placed in strong red baths from one to two hours at a time; soon after being placed in the red light he would fall asleep, and a profuse perspiration burst forth, saturating his underclothing; in three weeks he was walking firmly, and in two months was perfectly well. More than two years have since elapsed and he has continued in perfect health.