Dinshah's Spectrochrome System
The Fascinating Suppressed Color Healing System of Dinshah Pestanji Ghadiali
No Diagnosis — No Drugs — No Manipulation — No Surgery
The Spectrochrome color healing system of Dinshah is considered by some to be the most complete, evolved system of healing using colors projected on the body. The Healing Triangle of Light is Humanity's Birthright.
Dedicated to Dinshah Pestanji Ghadiali
In course of life you reach a time,
When Doctor, Lawyer, Priest alike,
Does fail to give the sought relief,
To troubled mind or burdened heart --
Then come to me;
I help you to help yourself.
Dinshah's prayer to the Grand Architect of the Universe and the Benign Masters of Wisdom
Offered at Bombay India,
Tuesday, February 10th, 1891
O Ahuramazda! Grant me Thy Powers!! Grant me that which was in me but was suppressed!!! Grant me the tongue that resounds the world, the eye that enfeebles the wicked, the nose that scents the truth, the ear that hears the ant, the touch that feels the ether, the intuition that knows the Norns, the health that helps the needy, the wealth that weilds the worldly; all so that during life I exist selfless and at passage to the Higher Planes leave behind a lighted trail to be followed by the Searther for the Beyond.
A fructification of this prayer is The birth of Spectro-Chrome.
The Boundless Vibratory Ocean of Thought is Essentially Universal and All-pervading; it is the Individualized Monopoly of NO Person, and is the Common Heritage of Humanity's Evolution: thus, what a Development of Unrevealed Ages has given unto Me in the Form of Knowledge in my Present Incarnation is No Distinctive Acquisition of Mine for My Sole Use, Benefit or Elevation, but is All for Thee and Is Thine Without Condition, Without Obligation, Without Expectation. I Fear No One; Only God Above and Conscience Below, and From Them I have Nothing to Fear.
Dinshah Links, pro and con:
Dinshah Health Society * Tate * Quackwatch * Cabinet Magazine * Museum of Quackery
News and research in the field of color and light
Colours squeezed from microscopic marbles
A new method for stacking microscopic marbles into regular layers, producing intriguing materials which scatter light into intense colours and which change colour when twisted or stretched were devised by a team of researchers. The team, led by the University of Cambridge, used a new method called Bend-Induced-Oscillatory-Shearing (BIOS) to produce hundreds of metres of … Read more
Colours as communicators
Source: http://www.thehindu.com/features/metroplus/colours-as-communicators/article8687177.ece
Pantone 448C is officially the world’s ugliest colour
A team of experts spent three months trying to determine the world’s ugliest colour. And, after detailed research into which colours generated the most negative reactions among the general public, the dubious honour goes to Pantone 448C, also known as opaque couché – a sludgy brown colour that was alternately described by respondents as ‘tar’, … Read more
Light, Darkness & Colours – Goethe’s Theory
https://youtu.be/pitz56_8CJg Using Goethe’s Theory of Colors (Zur Farbenlehre) as a point of departure, LIGHT, DARKNESS, AND COLOURS takes us on a fascinating journey through the universe of colors. In 1704 Sir Isaac Newton published “Light and Refraction,” his study of the interactions between sunlight and prisms. Newton was, as a good scientist, intent on achieving … Read more
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